twoBit notes
I put my notes here so I don't forget them.
Introduction to Digital Preservation
Concept of migration, active collection management
What is a digital file?
Rudimentary description of what is in a file. This is more for curiosity's sake than actual practical implementation
Preserving the Original
Justifications for keeping original media in its original order. For example, see NETFLIX
Naming & Arrangement
Folder structure, naming recommendations from NARA
Storage & Environment
Recommendations for common community radio and video formats
orientation, housing, environment, more on environment, links to environmental recommendations, studies, etc.
Safe File Transfer
Why drag and drop is not optimal. Using exactly or rsync as a solution.
Introduction to Package Management
Bags, OAIS intro
Blog posts?
- Technical support and preservation... building and maintaining equipment are just one step away from preservation, and that folks like system administrators and other technicians are often charged with the task of preservation as an afterthought, when it should truly be part of every production plan from the start.
- Easy storage server
- Archiving social media?
Additional resources to consult:
Witness Archiving Guide
AMIA Community Archiving Workshop